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Contact & How to arriveHow to reach us

Chalet Schmied

Family Plaickner
Pustertaler Sonnenstraße 12
I-39030 Terento
South Tyrol - Italy

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Chalet Schmied

Arriving by car:
Via the Brennero Highway: exit
Bressanone-Nord and on towards Val Pusteria/ Brunico to Vandoies.
In Vandoies turn left onto the Pustertaler Sonnenstraße,
from Vandoies 6.5 km to Terento center.

From the east via Lienz-Innichen or over the Staller Sattel
Coming in Brunico-South / West you will meet the Pustertaler Sonnenstraße
(17 km) you drive over Pfalzen-Issing-Mühlen-Hofern to Terento.

Download PDF: Map of Terento (0,47 MB)(Map F-4 Nr. 27):


Current traffic situation for South Tyrol
Traffic information phone: 0039 0471 200198
Current weather report for South Tyrol

Arrival by train

We are happy to pick you up at the station! Please specify when booking!

Arrival by bus

We are happy to pick you up at the bus station! Please specify when booking!

Arrival by plane

Search for flights to Innsbruck, Verona, Munich or Bergamo. Direct bus service to South Tyrol with theSouth Tyrol bus.

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